Please join us to watch the final 2 episodes of The Chosen television series in the Fellowship Café on Monday, December 6th and 13th at 6:30 p.m. Water and snacks will be served. https://watch.angelstudios/com/thechosen
Specific *NEW* Items Needed. Please place all donations in the box marked VETERANS in the Café. The last day for this collection is SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2021. Thank you all for your donations. Click for more info
Need some encouragement in these difficult times in the world and the Church? Join us for a holy hour with fellow priests, religious and lay faithful as we seek strength and hope from Jesus, our Good Shepherd, the saints and one another. The Holy Hour includes Rosary, Litany and Benediction. Afterwards join us for a short talk on a saint, exploring how he or she remained faithful to Christ and His Church during the trials of his or her time.
Sacred Heart will once again be providing assistance to those in need this Christmas season. This year we will assist St. Mary’s Shelter, Birthright, My Brother’s Place, and the St. Vincent de Paul Society in the form of gift cards.
Advent Day of Reflection sponsored by the Office of Consecrated Life. Monsignor John Savinski will be giving the Retreat Day. The retreat is open to all; free of charge; lunch provided, and parking available. Please see the flyer for details of the day.