-Stay home if you are sick or are at higher risk for severe illness.
-Put on a face mask or cloth covering before entering the Church.
-Enter/Exit through the Fellowship Café. / Hand sanitizer will be available here.
-Honor all posted signs about seating.
-Members of the same household may sit together as normal. Keep 6 feet between your household and members of a different household.
-Missalette and Hymnals will not be available; you may bring your own missal/readings.
-There will be no Sign of Peace.
-No holding of hands during the Our Father.
-Maintain social distancing in the Communion line.
-Keep several pews between you and the person in front of you.
-Please remove your mask just before receiving Holy Communion.
-The faithful are asked to receive Holy Communion in the hand. There will be a separate location available for those who wish to receive Holy Communion on the tongue.
-At the conclusion of Mass, exit the Church through the Café and proceed to your car. Do not congregate for any reason.
-Leave your mask on until you exit the Church.
-Parish bulletins will continue to be available on-line.